
Government To Launch The First Phase Of ISP Filtering


senator stephen discussing ISP filteringSenator Stephen who is the Minister for the Digital Economy announced today that the Australians Government will implement the first phase of the Internet Service Provider (ISP). The first stage will include filtering Live Pilot witch includes six ISPs.




The first round of filtering Pilot will include:
• Primus Telecommunications
• Tech 2U
• Web Shield
• OMNI Connect
• Net Force
• Highway1

"The government is aware of technical problems that could occur from the ISP filtering and this is the reason for testing out the claims with a pilot”

Porn has become widespread across the internet and can be harmful for young children and teens viewing X rated content. ISP Filtering will make it a lot harder for people of all ages to access Mature X rated websites. As their be many people who dislike this idea of regulation on porn the Australian Government has its interest in protecting children and young teens from harmful content.teenage boys surfing the internet

Customers of the listed ISPs that will be part of the initial test Pilot will have the option if they want to be part of the first Test Filtering Pilot. For the long-term the plan is to have a stationed content filter combined with an optional adult filter. The test pilot will launch when the ISP equipment is in place (no scheduled date thus far).

filtering ISPThe first test trail will take place for at least six weeks and will focus on the following:
• Technical solutions
• Difficultly of circumvention
• Effects of Internet Speed
• Effects of User experience
• User feedback
• Content filtering
• Overall results

Below are some of the concerns some have brought to attention regarding ISP filtering:
• There will be ways to bypass filtering
• Filtering will result in slowing down the internet speed
• Telstra stated that they will not be taking part
• Will the government regulate file sharing traffic

Conducting the live pilot will show key evidence and the effectiveness of ISP online filtering. After the test pilot the Australian government will use the evidence and feedback to help implement a long term filtering plan.
children viewing mature content