
Overview: MBA In Australia

Last Updated on Wednesday, 03 February 2010 21:29 Written by Administrator Thursday, 05 March 2009 00:50

What is an MBA?

The Masters of Business Administration degree, or MBA, has been steadily growing in popularity among graduate students over the last century. This popularity is probably related to the versatile, interdisciplinary nature of the degree and also to the needs of an emerging business oriented economy. In Australia alone there are approximately 40 different MBA programs (catering to 30,000 students) that have arisen since the University of Melbourne first offered a six week course in executive development in 1956.
melbourne mba school


Who gets an MBA?

Because the degree plan is often considered to encompass more big picture, organizational subject matter than specific technical information, the types of people that undertake this degree varies widely. In MBA programs you will find young and old, men and women, scientists and schoolteachers, artists and accountants; anyone who wants to better understand the complex nature of business organization and who needs to navigate and manage the institutions that they work within.

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Why pursue an MBA?

Most people come to an MBA program after several years of work experience. This degree is often used as a stepping stone to advancement within a chosen career but it can also lead to opportunities within other fields. For those who wish to move into management or to develop management skills, an MBA offers a background in all of these necessary skills.

Even those who already have leadership experience and pursue an MBA for certification purposes only often find that they learn a great deal about the nature of business organization and leadership in general. An MBA can also simply be a way of keeping up with a changing business environment and is also a way to update the tools of an experienced manager who needs to hone the complex craft of administration.
mba students